Mr. Omar Mboob was the Head of the Corporate Banking Department of Trust Bank Limited since June 2017 until recently in January 2022 when he was appointed the Deputy Managing Director of the Bank. He joined Trust Bank in January 1999 at the age of 22 as a Cashier and rose through the ranks to Head of Finance in July 2016 before being re-assigned to the Business arm of the Bank at Corporate Banking Department in June 2017. He has over 23 years of Banking experience.
Whilst at the Finance Department, Omar was also managing the Treasury (Local Currency component) until June 2016 when the Bank merged the Treasury Management under the Finance Department with the Foreign Operations Department to a redesigned and more effective central Treasury Department. Omar served as the Vice President (2011-2013) and later President (2013-2015) of The Gambia Interbank Dealers Association (GIDA) during which time the Bankers Hour Radio Program was launched in 2011.
Omar anchored the Saturday afternoon Bankers’ Hour radio program and the Sunday evening Finance Economic and Business (FEB) hour on West Coast Radio 92.1 FM which were effectively used as a platform to sensitize the rolling out of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) payment systems (ACP/ACH, RTGS, SSS, and GamSwitch) and was recognized at the 2019 Annual Bankers’ Dinner.
Omar Presented a paper on Banks’ challenges to Financing Agriculture on behalf of the Banker’s Association organized by FAO (the Gambia) in January 2019. He also Presented a paper on Housing Development Finance in The Gambia-Making the Real Estate Sector work for all, at the 4th TAF AFRICA GLOBAL Annual Conference (TAFCON) in December 2018. He is also a regular on the TAF HUB TV show discussing all matters relating to Banking.
Omar was the most outstanding delegate on the Regional Course on International Financial Reporting Standards organized by WAIFEM in Abuja Nigeria from 28th May to 1st June 2012 and was the Class Governor of the same prestigious course held in Accra, Ghana in February 2016.
Omar is a person of great initiatives and a man of great thoughts. His professional work is consistently of high standard and value backed by his exceptional leadership qualities. He is always willing to share his experience with others. He relates to almost everyone, colleagues and customers alike and admired by his colleagues and always yearns for the best.
Omar is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of UK (FCCA) and holds a certificate of Professional Development specializing in Financial Management from Illinois State University (USA). In January 2022, he was promoted to Deputy Managing Director and an Executive Director on the Bank’s Board.
Omar currently serves as a Director at Bayba Financial Services and Enterprise Life Assurance
(Gambia) Limited.