Thursday 18th November 2021 again was another day that Trust Bank donated items worth D100,000 to Bansang Hospital. This presentation marked the 8th edition since the establishment of this relationship.
In her keynote address, the managing director of the bank Njilan Senghore reiterated the commitment of the bank in promoting quality health care delivery in the country and that this donation contributes to making a difference to the lives of the vulnerable in our society.
The items donated include medical supplies amongst other consumables as requested by the hospital Management.
Events like this have far-reaching positive consequences on the lives of many and resonate with our Corporate Social Responsibility objective of “bringing hope where there is despair

Our Corporate Social Responsibility program is grounded on the principles of sharing and caring, and we believe this donation is a great way to give back to our communities. We are also aware and appreciate that our customers from all corners of the Gambia, and even ourselves as employees of Trust Bank Ltd together with our family members and communities might at some point, directly or indirectly benefit from the health services offered by Bansang Hospital.
The presentation was attended by the CEO of Basse hospital Mr. Baba Jeng; Njilan Senghore Managing director of Trust Bank Limited, Alex Alasan Gomez marketing manager of Trust Bank Ltd, high profiled invited guest,s and staff of both Trust Bank and Bansang hospital.